
20 September 2017

How to Earn Money from Website Visits: Beginners Guide

If you’re reading this article and have decided to create your own blog, you have probably made a life changing decision. How to Earn Money from Website Visits
What would be better than being your own boss and deciding your own hours of work?
No limitations, no deadlines and most importantly unlimited growth.
There’s a huge audience on the internet looking for a solution to their problems.
And being a blogger, it is a bliss to be able to provide what your audience is looking for.
The only challenge is letting them know that you exist. Out of the loads of blogs publishing heaps of articles daily, getting visits on your website is a challenging task. 

But once people start visiting your website, you have at your disposal a wonderful opportunity to earn money. 

Here are some ways you can use to start and increase the earnings from website visits:
  1. Google AdSense
The largest ad platform in the world, Google AdSense makes it possible for buyers and sellers to come a bit closer.
It is a tool that shows targeted ads to potential buyers and keeps a track of impressions, clicks and purchases made with the Ad.
If you are thinking how it can help you make money, here’s the answer; more than 2 million bloggers worldwide use Google AdSense to make money by placing ads on their website.
The visitors on a website may click on the ad if they find it relevant and Google pays you for every click.
As your website visitors increase, your revenue also increases.

      2. Content Marketing

Content Marketing
Scrolling through our social media feed, we come across many such posts.
While we enjoy reading them, we never realize that we are being exposed to an advertisement.
Content marketing is a wide term but is usually referred to the promotion of products/service through engaging content. 

Typical sellers analyze visits and clicks on your website and pay you for promoting their product. It’s a win-win situation for the sellers as well as the audience.  

     3. Affiliate Marketing 

“Hey, you must try this new restaurant’s food. It’s delicious.” Whenever you suggest any product/service that you liked to a friend/family, you don’t get anything more than a “Thank You”.
But, with a tool like affiliate marketing you can earn for every suggestion you make.
With endless earning opportunities, affiliate marketing makes it possible for you to promote products/services on your website and the seller pays you for every sale made from your website’s link. 

A number of companies around the world including Amazon provide affiliate commissions up to 12% of the total sale.
Amazon affiliate comissions
  4. Sell Your Own Products/ Service 

Yes, affiliate marketing is huge; but if you can earn huge just by promoting others, why not start selling your own products?
Whether it is a premium membership for your service or any product, you can use your website to sell your own products.
It doesn’t matter if you are promoting someone else’s offerings or selling your own; the world of online marketing is huge and always pays those with patience and perseverance.

So start getting more website visits to your website and earn more. The more visitors you get, the more money you earn.
All the best ЁЯЩВ

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